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The Secret Kingdom (2023): A Fantastical Misstep

In the realm of fantasy films, where beloved classics like Lord of the Rings and Narnia have set the bar high, newcomers occasionally attempt to contribute to the genre. Unfortunately, "The Secret Kingdom" fails to make a worthwhile impact. While it boasts a promising core story with a positive message, nearly every aspect of the film falls short in captivating the audience. From a predictable opening scene to uninspired filmmaking choices, this fantasy adventure struggles to leave a lasting impression.

A Familiar Beginning and Unnecessary Twists

"The Secret Kingdom" begins with a clichéd scene that we've seen countless times—a family moving into a new home, with reluctant children Peter and Verity. It is evident that the family has experienced recent trauma, but the film unnecessarily withholds details until the end, resulting in a surprise twist that adds little value to the narrative.

Troublesome Siblings and an Annoying Hermione Impersonation

Peter, played by Sam Everingham, is an overly fearful boy, constantly pushed by his mischievous sister Verity, portrayed by Alyla Browne. Verity's character seems to borrow heavily from Hermione Granger, and her antics become a catalyst for Peter's reluctant adventures. Their dynamic lacks depth and originality, failing to engage the audience effectively.

A Journey to the Beneath and the Prophecy

After an incident at a trinket shop, Peter and Verity find themselves transported to a realm called the "beneath," ruled by talking armadillos. The children embark on a quest to solve riddles and retrieve missing pieces of a magic cube, all tied to an ancient prophecy that involves resetting time. The film heavily borrows elements from other sources, such as Peter's golden compass, resulting in a lack of originality.

Uninspired Filmmaking Choices

"The Secret Kingdom" was written and directed by Matt Drummond, but unfortunately, many of the choices made in the film feel uninspired. The entire movie relies on extreme close-ups or fully animated wide shots using Unreal Engine 4, which limits visual variety and engagement. While some creature designs show potential, they are underutilized. Additionally, the budget constraints are evident in the in-house production, hindering the film's overall quality.

Sound Design Shortcomings

The film's sound design is a notable weak point. Due to budget limitations, crucial audio cues such as footsteps, falling rocks, and breaking objects are often missing, resulting in a lackluster experience. While the filmmakers should be commended for their perseverance, the film would have greatly benefited from improved sound design.

Missed Opportunities for Emotional Depth

Despite its flaws, "The Secret Kingdom" attempts to convey a message about a child's journey through tragedy and loss within a fantasy framework. However, the wooden performances, subpar animation, and ineffective sound design undermine the film's emotional impact. With better execution, the movie had the potential to explore its intended themes more effectively.


"The Secret Kingdom" falls short of its ambitions, failing to deliver a compelling and original fantasy adventure. Despite a positive core message and an attempt to explore themes of tragedy and loss, the film's uninspired filmmaking choices, underdeveloped characters, and technical shortcomings prevent it from leaving a lasting impression. While the constraints faced by the production team are commendable, they ultimately hinder the film's ability to captivate audiences.

The Secret Kingdom (2023) - Trailer

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