Sree Vishnu's debut film, Kolla, helmed by director Suraj Varma, promises an intriguing plot that centers around a bank robbery in a rural area of Kottayam district. The movie, featuring Rajisha Vijayan and Priya Prakash Varrier in lead roles, generated excitement among viewers for its unique premise and female-driven narrative. However, despite its potential, Kolla falls disappointingly short of creating a captivating and enthralling cinematic experience.
Plot Synopsis
The story follows Annie (Rajisha Vijayan) and Shilpa (Priya Varrier), who masquerade as innocent owners of a beauty parlor in a quaint neighborhood. Beneath the facade, they are masterminds planning to rob the bank situated above their parlor. With the help of a retired thief named Stephen (Alencier) and a local pickup truck driver named Basil (Shebin Benson), the duo successfully carries out the heist, looting the bank's safe deposit lockers. To avoid suspicion, they manipulate the police into believing that the crime was committed by unknown perpetrators.
As the police investigation begins, CI Farooq Rahman (Vinay Forrt) leads the team, trying to piece together the stolen items belonging to various individuals. Unfortunately, the key suspect, Stephen, passes away while in custody, leaving Annie, Shilpa, and Basil in a difficult position to locate the hidden loot. As the narrative unfolds, incriminating evidence against the trio surfaces, leading to a tense game of cat and mouse between the criminals and the police.
Missed Opportunities and Underdeveloped Characters
Kolla presents a unique opportunity in the heist genre by placing two women in leading roles. However, the film disappoints in empowering these characters. Despite being the masterminds behind the crime, Annie and Shilpa often appear helpless and uncertain, undermining the potential for strong female representation. The movie lacks the depth needed to develop its characters fully, leaving them feeling half-baked and unexplored.
Moreover, the supporting characters also suffer from underdevelopment, as they come and go without making a significant impact on the story. The narrative progression feels rushed and disjointed, with certain scenes lacking a natural flow, leaving the audience puzzled at times.
Direction and Performances
Director Suraj Varma brings the written script to life with decent execution, but the lack of seamless progression in the scenes hampers the overall impact. Rajisha Vijayan showcases her acting prowess in the role of Annie, yet the lackluster nature of her character holds back the true potential of her performance. Similarly, Vinay Forrt impresses as CI Farooq Rahman, but the script fails to fully utilize his talent. Shebin Benson and Priya Prakash Varrier deliver decent performances, but they too lack the opportunity to shine in more significant roles.
Technical Aspects
The cinematography by Rajavel Mohan captures the essence of the rural area in Kottayam, adding depth to the film. The art department, costume design, and makeup crew contribute to injecting some much-needed flavor into an otherwise unremarkable film.
Kolla had the potential to become a riveting heist movie, but it misses the mark with its lackluster narrative and underdeveloped characters. While Rajisha Vijayan and Vinay Forrt's performances add some value, the overall film falls into the depths of mediocrity. Despite its intriguing premise, Kolla fails to deliver the adrenaline rush and excitement expected from a heist thriller.
Kolla (2023) - info
- Release date: 29 June 2023
- Genre: Thriller
- Director: Suraj Varma
- Writer: Jasim Jalal, Nelson Joseph
- Stars: Rajisha Vijayan, Priya Prakash Varrier, Vinay Forrt