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Quicksand (2023) Movie Review: A Marriage Drama Lost in the Wilderness

"Quicksand," currently available for streaming on Shudder, sets out to deliver a gripping survival thriller and relationship drama. The story follows Josh and Sofia, an unhappily married couple, who find themselves trapped in the treacherous environment of Las Arenas, Colombia, after fleeing from a carjacker during their trip for a medical conference.

Despite the promising premise, the film falls short of delivering the expected suspense and tension. The majority of the movie focuses on the couple's troubled marriage, leaving little room for the anticipated "man against the wilderness" survival elements. While Allan Hawco and Carolina Gaitan deliver commendable performances as the central couple, director Andres Beltran spends too much time on their marital woes, neglecting the opportunity to intensify the thrill of their survival situation.

The quicksand plot appears to serve as a metaphor for the couple's stagnant relationship, symbolizing their entrapment in a rut. Beltran emphasizes the relationship chatter throughout the film, possibly aiming to highlight the parallels between their struggle in the wilderness and their struggles in their marriage. While this approach might have deeper meaning, it may disappoint audiences seeking a more action-packed survival thriller experience.

One of the film's shortcomings lies in the lack of suspenseful sequences. While a few tense moments involving the poisonous snake do arise, they are sparse. Expanding the threat of wilderness dangers or exploring the carjacker's role in the unfolding events could have added much-needed intensity to the story.

Additionally, the film's relationship drama suffers from insufficient character development. Without a deeper understanding of Josh and Sofia's backgrounds and motivations, the audience struggles to connect emotionally with their plight. The lack of investment in the characters diminishes the impact of the marital breakdown and survival struggles, leaving viewers with a sense of detachment.

"Quicksand" teeters between being a thought-provoking marriage drama and an adrenaline-pumping survival thriller, yet it fails to excel in either category. With more attention to character development and a heightened focus on wilderness horrors, the film could have achieved a more impactful and memorable experience.

Ultimately, "Quicksand" ends up being a missed opportunity to deliver a compelling exploration of a troubled marriage intertwined with the challenges of survival. Despite the capable performances of its leads, the film's lack of suspense and depth leaves it feeling trapped in its own mediocrity, leaving viewers wanting more from this promising premise.

Quicksand (2023) - info

  • Release date: 14 July 2023
  • Genre: Drama, Crime
  • Director: Andres Beltran
  • Writer: Matt Pitts
  • Stars: Carolina Gaitan, Allan Hawco, Sebastian Eslava

Quicksand (2023) - Trailer

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