Tarun Rathi, UFI Motion Pictures, and Anupam Kher Studios present "Shiv Shastri Balboa" (UA), a film centered around a retired bank officer who idolizes Rocky Balboa. Starring Anupam Kher in the title role, the movie explores his journey as he ventures to the US to fulfill a personal mission. While the film boasts an intriguing premise, it struggles to maintain focus and deliver on its potential.
Shiv Shastri (Anupam Kher) is not only an ardent fan of the Hollywood character Rocky Balboa but also operates a boxing training institute alongside his banking job. After retiring, Shiv Shastri plans to settle in the US with his son Rahul (Jugal Hansraj), daughter-in-law Alka (Hritu Deepak), and grandsons Arjun (Sid Sharma) and Adivath (Aarav Desai). Before leaving, he appears on Rajat Sharma's TV show, where he expresses his admiration for Rocky Balboa and his desire to record a video on the iconic 72 stone steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Arts.
Once in the US, Shiv Shastri realizes that his busy son and daughter-in-law cannot accompany him to Philadelphia. Determined to fulfill his promise, he befriends Elsa (Neena Gupta), an Indian housemaid trapped by her employers. The unlikely duo embarks on a journey to New York, facing unforeseen challenges and adventures along the way. However, the film's narrative becomes convoluted, losing sight of the initial premise and diluting the emotional core.
Writer Ajayan Venugopalan attempts to explore the sense of displacement experienced by Indians in a foreign land, but the storytelling falls short. The screenplay loses focus, with Elsa's escape overshadowing Shiv Shastri's initial storyline. The journey to New York also becomes unnecessarily prolonged, leading to a loss of audience engagement. The resolution of Elsa's situation, where her employers both pay her and withdraw the filed criminal case, feels unrealistic and poorly explained.
One major drawback of "Shiv Shastri Balboa" is its lack of emotional depth. Despite the potential for tear-jerking moments, the film fails to evoke genuine sentiment. The comedy sequences intended to lighten the mood often fall flat, with few genuine laughs. Additionally, the initial focal point of Shiv Shastri's interview with Rajat Sharma loses significance as the story progresses, leaving it feeling disjointed.
Anupam Kher delivers a sincere and committed performance as Shiv Shastri, capturing the character's enthusiasm and determination. Neena Gupta shines as Elsa, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Jugal Hansraj and Hritu Deepak offer solid performances in their respective roles. The supporting cast, including Sharib Hashmi, Nargis Fakhri, and the young actors, deliver commendable performances that elevate the overall experience.
Director Ajayan Venugopalan exhibits potential with his direction but falls victim to pacing issues and a lack of cohesive storytelling. The music by Aloknanda Dasgupta and Utkarsh Dhotekar, although ordinary, complements the narrative adequately. The cinematography by Joshua Ausley and production design by Jessica Ellis are satisfactory, while Praveen Prabhakar's editing could have been crisper.
In conclusion, "Shiv Shastri Balboa" presents an intriguing premise but fails to live up to its full potential. While Anupam Kher's performance and moments of charm can be appreciated, the film's scattered narrative, lack of emotional resonance, and pacing issues prevent it from reaching the heights it aspires to achieve. Nonetheless, it is a commendable attempt to explore the challenges of being an outsider in a foreign land.
Shiv Shastri Balboa (2023) - info
- Release date: September 25, 2022
- Genre: Drama, Comedy
- Director: Ajayan Venugopalan
- Writers:Robin Kumar Sing, hAjayan Venugopalan
- Stars: Anupam Khe, rNargis Fakhri, Neena Gupta