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Piglady (2023): A Missed Opportunity in True-Crime Horror

In the realm of horror cinema, the fusion of true crime and terror often promises an enthralling cinematic experience. "Piglady," attempting to tread this treacherous path, draws inspiration from a chilling real-life crime story. However, despite the spine-tingling premise, the film struggles to captivate due to its lackluster characters, a lack of a compelling antagonist, and dialogue that fails to send shivers down the spine.

Synopsis: A Grisly Tale Unfolds

The opening scene of "Piglady" introduces us to Caleb Jones (Alex C. Johnson), recounting a horrifying news story involving the arrest of a farmer named Susan and the gruesome discovery of human remains on her property. A twist of fate leads him and his wife Rachel to have lived on the same lot, unaware of the impending horrors that would unfold. While they were not implicated in the brutal crimes, their proximity to the chilling events becomes a harbinger of dread.

Based on the true-crime narrative of Susan Monica, who committed heinous murders on her Oregon farm, the film navigates the intertwining lives of two couples, Adrianna (Karri Davis), Brittany (Alicia Karami), Hunter (Adam Fair), and Tony (Liam Watkins). As the quartet embarks on a remote cabin retreat, the tranquility of their Christmas vacation is quickly shattered by impending doom, mirroring the unsettling tale that inspired the film.

Review: A Lackluster Descent into Horror

"Piglady" sets off on a disconcerting note by tapping into its true-crime origins. The terror that emanates from reality creates an eerie atmosphere, but sadly, this initial intrigue wanes as the film progresses. While the events unfold in the same rural setting as the true story, the characters at the film's forefront fail to ignite interest. The lack of depth and engagement in their personas hampers the viewer's connection, making the unfolding horror fall short of its potential impact.

The interactions among the quartet remain mundane, filled with trivial conversations and diabolical dialogue that contribute to the film's struggle to maintain momentum. While not all horror requires extensive character development, "Piglady" fails to strike the right balance between character depth and effective fear-inducing elements.

A Failed Fright: The Enigmatic Antagonist

One of the film's pivotal shortcomings lies in the portrayal of the titular antagonist, the pig lady herself (Sandra Dee Tryon). An attempt to infuse fear through her obscured visage and limited dialogue backfires due to an unconvincing performance. Her monotone delivery and lackluster movements around the farm shift her presence from menacing to unintentionally comical. Jump scares and attempted frights are further hampered by over-the-top sound effects, resulting in little impact on the overall fear factor.

Missed Opportunities and Overused Tropes

"Piglady" stumbles in its execution of horror tropes, such as the relentless pursuit of victims and improbable discoveries. The film's saving grace, the atmospheric forest landscape and eerie cabin, draws parallels to horror classics like "The Cabin in the Woods." Regrettably, the film fails to capitalize on this setting, as it lacks the gripping characters and compelling storyline needed to create a lasting impact.


In the realm of true-crime horror, "Piglady" showcases the challenge of translating real-life horror into captivating cinema. Despite a spine-chilling premise, the film falters due to its underdeveloped characters, an unconvincing antagonist, and lackluster dialogue. The true horror lies in the missed opportunity to elevate a horrifying true-crime story into a captivating cinematic experience. While "Piglady" has its moments of atmospheric tension, it fails to etch its mark in the annals of horror cinema.

Piglady (2023) - info

  • Release date: Aug 22, 2023
  • Genre: Horror, Crime
  • Director: Adam Fair
  • Writers:Adam Fair, Alex C. Johnson
  • Stars: Alyssa Beth, Evan Bowman, Anthania Davis

Piglady (2023) - Trailer

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